I found a wonderful site which will add extra colour and effect to your photos and thought of sharing with you .The site is  Image Chef which have many number of stylish frames which can be applied for your photograph . Of course everyone's faces are not photogenic and many not look better in photos , but your photos when applied to these frames get colour which you will feel better when compared to normal photos . There are about more than 200 Frames and there are also animated frames which every one are fond of .

Even Image Chef has direct social sharing options like Facebook,Twitter and many from which you can directly share your images.If you dont have a picture of yourself dont worry there are even text facilities in these Image Chef , For example you can above a picture of Hack Box and I think it is better.

But the only problem after completing your image is it has a hologram on the image as Image Chef.com and cant edit it in that site you need to save and edit in paint .You see the above picture Hack Box there is no hologram of ImageChef.com .I forgot to tell you that even you can add symbols to that image it has many number of symbols and there are different type of symbols .
In a few words i can say that image Chef can add add frames to your pictures and create new text with wonderful graphics and effects which you have never seen in another site.This is the top leading site in adding frames and text .The site will be updated with new frames and effects regularly. 

                                                                                             Visit Image Chef .


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